Saturday, April 27, 1996

Just when you think you've got life sussed

Just when you think you’ve got life sussed....

... it’s got a way of tapping you on the shoulder....

... and waking you up from your cozy world of perfect complacency.


So, what next?

Well, you can lay there in your pool of doubt and despair.

Eventually, however, you have to conclude anything’s better than this!

Sure, you can shed a tear. That’s allowed.

And aaahhHH! Turns to joy!

‘Cos suddenly you think of.... Mad Melting Man!

When Mad Melting Man got mad, he would shout ‘n’ holla so loudly...

... he would melt!

And there he would lay until he’d calmed down.

Chilled out!

And once he’d collected his thoughts....

... he would be collected within his body and mind.
Tranquil. Serene. Cool.

So next time it doesn’t just rain – it pours....

... and pours!

Wallow in it.

Because all manner of glorious things may rain down from the heavens.

Yo ho ho... and a bottle of Chablis!